Optimization of an intra-city area by means of landscape design

  • Khrapko O.V.

    Botanical garden-institute of Far Eastern department of the Russian Sciences Academy (BGI FEB RAS)
    Vladivostok, Russia
    Doctor of biological science, Chief Research Scientist of the BGI FEB RAS
    Vladivostok State University Economics and Service
    Russia. Vladivostok
    professor of the chair of Art and Design

  • Kop'eva A.V.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia
    candidate of architecture, professor, the Head of Art and Design chair


Increasing urbanization leads to the formation of intra-city environment. Some factors of that environment have an adversely affect on humans. The optimization of this harmful environment could be done with the use of natural materials, one of which is a plant. Plants play a significant role in formation of favorable climate, create a single compositional urban space and have positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the urban dweller.

Keywords: landscape design, intra-city area, plants.